Welcome ... What We Believe

What we believe:

We hold firm to the traditional Christian 'creeds' and Biblical truths, but we recognise that they can seem complicated.  So here's a simple statement ...


We believe ...

  • Our universe was created with care by a loving God and that God has given us the duty of care for His world.
  • He also gave us freedom to make choices ... but we often use that freedom unwisely and make a mess of God's creation and of our lives.
  • God loves the world that He created and He loves us ... That's why He chose to come and live amongst us in the person of Jesus, God's Son (whose birth as 'Immanuel' - God with us - we celebrate at Christmas).
  • Jesus taught us that it was possible for that mess to be sorted out - Christianity isn't just for 'good people'!
  • When Jesus died and rose again, He set us free from guilt of all the bad we have done and given us a second chance in life - a chance to live His perfect way.
  • That forgiveness is for anyone and everyone.
  • Christianity isn't about giving up on fun, pleasure or success.  Jesus came to help us live life to the full ... but that can only be done when we model our lives on Him and allow Him to give us His peace, grace and Holy Spirit.


If you want to know more please do ask ... We would love to help you discover the Jesus who we seek to love and serve.


Sunday 30th March
10:00am - 11:30am -
Thursday 3rd April
10:30am - 12:00pm -
Sunday 6th April
10:00am - 11:30am -

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