A Church Near You
If you are not sure whether you live in the parish or are looking to find which is your parish church, this site will help you.

Bromley Deanery
The parish of Holy Trinity, Bromley Common is within the Deanery of Bromley and the Archdeaconry of Bromley & Bexley

Christian Aid
One of the various charities and organisations which we support as a church

Want to know more about the Christian faith. Follow this link to find some answers to your questions

Christianity Explored
Curious about what Christianity is / believes? Follow this link to find out about a course which will help to answer your questions

Churches Together in Bromley Common (Facebook)
As part of the wider Christian community, we work closely with our neighbouring churches on Bromley Common and the surrounding area.

Diocesan E-Newsletter
The current issue of the e-newsletter from Rochester Diocese

Holy Trinity Church - Facebook
Check out our Facebook Page

Home For Good
Home For Good, in partnership with the Diagrama Foundation and the Diocese of Rochester, is looking to recruit and support families that foster and adopt in Kent (incl. Bromley & Bexley)

HTC on YouTube
We have a channel on YouTube which contains videos originating from Holy Trinity Church, including our recent online worship services via Zoom. We also occasionally post videos which we consider might be of particular interest to our members.

Messy Church at Holy Trinity (Facebook)
Messy Church meets once a month (except August), from 4pm until 6pm, usually on the third Sunday in the month. For ALL the family. Come along and find out what it's all about!

Rochester Diocese
Holy Trinity, Bromley Common is part of the Anglican Diocese of Rochester

Stolen Lives
A link to the Stolen Lives project which focusses on the scandal of slavery, past and present. The site offers resources to help educate students of any age on this subject and includes music from singer / songwriter Paul Field.

WE'RE CHRISTIANS PASSIONATE ABOUT ENDING POVERTY We're following Jesus where the need is greatest, working through local churches to unlock people's potential and helping them to discover that the answer to poverty is within themselves. When disasters strike, we respond quickly. We won't stop until poverty stops.

The Children's Society
One of the organisations we support as a church and individually

The Church Of England
Holy Trinity is part of the Church of England which seeks to ensure a Christian presence in every place.

The Clewer Initiative
More than 200 years after the abolition of the slave trade there are still an estimated 40.3 million men, women and children trapped in modern slavery, and up to 136,000 potential victims in the UK alone. HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT. IN OUR COMMUNITIES. We believe that the tools to end modern slavery already exist within the local community and that the Church, which is present in all communities and at the heart of many, has a primary responsibility in leading these efforts. The Clewer Initiative is enabling Church of England dioceses and wider Church networks to develop strategies to detect modern slavery in their communities and help provide victim support and care.

As a Church we are conscious of the need to care for the weakest in society, wherever they are, and to do all that we can to combat the injustices which often leave the poorest at the mercy of the rich and powerful. We seek to ensure that the products we buy are sourced from fairly traded suppliers and, in particular, regularly buy from Traidcraft.

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Church Edit is the UKs leading provider of church websites.


Thursday 27th March
10:30am - 12:00pm -
Sunday 30th March
10:00am - 11:30am -
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