Holy Trinity Church is committed to justice and equality for all people,
irrespective of background, gender, sexual orientation or colour of skin.
We stand against all forms of oppression and injustice,
and we wish to add our voices to those calling for an end to the same.
Like many, we are appalled at recent events which have highlighted the scandal
of deep seated and long standing racism in society, in our institutions
(including both law enforcement and the Church), and in the lived experience
of those from black and minority ethnic communities.
We are pleased to share this prayer, asking always for God's will to be done
in our lives and in our world.
Lord God,
creator of all people,
may Your Son who suffered the inhumanity of the cross
comfort us in our anxiety and in our horror,
in times that take our breath away.
May Your Holy Spirit inspire us to repentance
and to action in dismantling the virus of racism
from within the Church, our nation and our world.
​The Revd Canon Jeremy Blunden
Rector of St George's w St Barnabas Beckenham, and Bishop's Adviser for BAME